

The war in Iraq was obviously based on good intentions, however, President Bush has quickly become one of the most unpopular presidents of all times as a result of this war. I unfortuantely have a friend who's brother was killed in an accident in Iraq. I also know a current soldier fighting there now and so I am very sensitive to our troops and to this war. Most people think we need to get out of there as soon as possible, and others think it will just make things worse to not finish what we started. "Obama calls the Bush administration's Iraq policies "tragically misguided" and advocates a phased withdrawal of U.S. combat forces, to be completed by next March. Romney notes that there is "no guarantee" that the administration's current strategy will succeed but says that "the stakes are too high and the potential fallout too great to deny our military leaders and troops on the ground the resources and the time needed to give it an opportunity." I don't want to get too much into my personal beliefs and opinions on the matter, but I will say that no matter your position on the war, those soldiers who are away from their families right now fighting for this country deserve our utmost respect and our constant prayers. Our armed forces are the true heroes of this country, and they are putting their lives on the line for America and for each one of us.

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