
Jungles of Peru

The pastor of the church I grew up in, Greg Garman, was the son of two missionary parents. As a result, Greg grew up in the jungles of Peru. Groups from our church now take an annual trip into the jungle. My dad had the opportunity of going on this trip one year and I was shocked by the pictures and descriptions he returned with. Their life is so simple. Compared to the U.S. they are an extremely underdeveloped country and it was weird to think that living in the same world but being hundreds of miles apart, two societies can be that different. What does this have to do with religion you may ask, well in the Christian faith the Bible says that to go to Heaven you must accept the Lord as your saviour. But my question is, what about people like this? Some may believe in a higher power, but there are no books or religious classes or anything like that, and most of them have never heard the name Jesus or God in their lives. I guess I believe people will only be judged based on what they know. They can't be faulted for not having that information, can they? I just thought it was an interesting thing to think about.

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