
Religious Variations

There are many different reasons why someone begins to practice a particular religion. But it seems to me that the most common reason for one's religious beliefs is because of their upbringing. Many people adopt the religious practices of their parents. From there, most don't explore outside of that belief system in order to not be offensive or dishonoring. I think that it would be good for our society to establish more religion classes in our public schooling system even if it's just to better understand one another. Instead schools shy away from the topic all together and in most public elementry, junior high, and high school classes it is forbidden for teachers or anyone else to even discuss the topic. It's interesting that it has become this way. I know that at my public high school I learned all about evolution and the big bang theory and Darwin, but never heard anything about different religious beliefs. Religions are all technically "theories" also, so it seems strange that public schools would address only evolution and not creation.

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